EP 29: Brianna Arps, Moodeaux- Pioneering Clean Luxury Fragrance

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Failure is never the end. You can turn losses into wins.

In today's episode, I chatted with Brianna Arps, Founder of MOODEAUX, a clean luxury fragrance label that combines scent and skincare. After being unexpectedly laid off from her dream job as a journalist, Brianna was depressed. Life as she knew it took a drastic turn, and she turned to a daily self-care routine of applying fragrance to uplift her and ease her stress.

During her routine, she realized that putting on perfume always made her feel better. The simple whiff of a familiar fragrance served as a friendly reminder that she was still worthy! Brianna’s discovery led her to research the connection between scents, memory, and emotions. From her research, she noticed two gaps: there weren’t many Black founders in the fragrance industry, and there was limited information about the connection between scent and its impact on emotions. 

Brianna was inspired to bridge the gaps, and the idea of MOODEAUX was born. She was overwhelmed with passion, giving her all to her brand. Brianna invested her unemployment income and savings into her dream. She describes her journey over the last three years as a wild ride that has been worth every sacrifice. 

Brianna’s story is one of perseverance; indeed, slow and steady wins the race. Through the highs and lows of being a forerunner, she remains determined. Armed with a great support system, daily affirmations, and amazing mentors, she is making waves in her industry. She is not just stopping at paving her own path; she does the same for others through her organization Black In Fragrance where she pays it forward supporting founders with funding, resources and community support. 

This episode will inspire you! You will learn about the power of connecting with your consumers, making your skills transferable, and making the best of disappointments.

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About Brianna Arps
Founder/Owner/CEO Brianna "B.A." Arps is a former Refinery29 editor-turned-marketing expert whose passion for people, storytelling, and all things beauty finally led to the birth of her very own "brand-children"MOODEAUX® as well as Black In Fragrance™. In the same way as her bold sense of style, Brianna wears her emotions like a badge of honor — navigating through life by the simple motto: Flaunt How You Feel™.

A St. Louis native, she's known among family and friends alike as an outspoken, charismatic big thinker working to make the world around her better — starting with perfume. Brianna holds a bachelor's degree from the world's first School of Journalism seated at the University of Missouri. Currently, she is an aspiring graduate of the renowned School for Aromatic Studies.

To connect MOODEAUX:
Visit the MOODEAUX website: https://moodeaux.com/
Follow MOODEAUX  on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/moodeauxofficial/
Follow MOODEAUX  on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MOODEAUX
Follow MOODEAUX on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MOODEAUXOfficial/
Follow MOODEAUX  on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moodeaux/
Follow Black in Fragrance: https://www.instagram.com/blackinfragrance/ 
Follow Brianna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannaarps/

Connect with Black on Shelf:
Follow BOS on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blackonshelf/
Connect with BOS on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/black-on-shelf/
Connect with Tenaj on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tenajferguson
Follow BOS on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Blackonshelf/
Visit the Black on Shelf website: https://www.blackonshelf.com

Watch the full interview on Youtube: https://youtu.be/dQ_WufQns8Y


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